Can you feel it? We’re nearing the end of another year. A brand new decade is at your doorstep. With the New Year fast approaching, there’s no better time to commit yourself to some self storage resolutions that will motivate you to declutter your life and make 2020 your most focused, organized year yet! But where to begin? Storage Etc. is here to get you thinking about how to give your New Year a fresh start.
Make a List. Check It Twice.
Before you get to packing boxes, dumping drawers, and generally upending your whole home, you need to plan ahead. As these Forbes business mavens suggest, writing down your self storage goals – big and small – is not only a great way to stay organized, it will also help you commit to your New Year’s resolutions. Be reasonable and specific. Set up a clear path for success to ensure you follow through.
You’re doing yourself a big favor by getting everything prepared before the clock strikes 12. Not only will you get to bring in the New Year worry-free, but once the confetti settles and you’ve unearthed your pair of 2020 glasses that somehow found themselves stuck between the sofa cushions, you’ll be all set to get to work!
Establish Routines
It’s January 1 and you’re feeling super motivated. You’ve rearranged your storage unit to maximize your space and make room for the seasonal decorations you just took down. But come January 2, you’re busy. And the third? Well, those leftover New Year’s party nachos aren’t going to eat themselves. By the end of the week, you’re totally slipping on sticking to your New Year’s resolutions. What gives?
You need to establish a routine. But how? The mindfulness experts at Zen Habits recommend three simple steps:
- Focus on your goals. Think about them throughout the day. Remind yourself of what specifically you are going to accomplish and what will happen when you follow through. Keep just a few measurable goals at a time to make it easier on yourself.
- Reward yourself for success. After accomplishing something great, it doesn’t hurt to treat yourself to a small reward. Indulge in a guilty pleasure. It’s a great self-motivating tool, and besides, you deserve it.
- Keep track of your progress. Whether you just want to put a gold star on your calendar to mark success or you’d rather keep track of your wins in a journal, logging your progress will help you look back at how well you’ve done. Who knows, perhaps upon reflection you’ll dazzle yourself with just how productive you’ve been!
Learn to Like Labels
Stuffing random gewgaws and doodads into a bundle of boxes may help you clear some space in your home now, but it might make it impossible to find something important when you need it later. That’s where labels come in handy. Slapping a label onto something takes next to no time at all, yet it could save you hours. Not to mention, it’s totally customizable to suit your own needs. Whether you want to be extra particular and color-code everything or feel more comfortable simply writing the category quickly on a box, this easy labeling habit will only serve to simplify your organizational goals.
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In sorting through all your stuff, you might come across an item or two and begin to wonder, “Do I really need this?” (Pro tip: If you’re wondering about it, you probably don’t.) It’s time to consider donating or reselling some items you no longer need or things you plan on replacing with an upgrade. It is the New Year, afterall. Out with the old, in with the new!
Looking for more storage tips and organization ideas? Check out the Storage Etc. blog.