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A man carves a turn while downhill skiing on a steep, snowy slope with a mountain peak in the background.

How to Store Your Ski & Snowboard Gear


If you're serious about riding pow, you'll want to make sure your gear is ready for storage when the snowy slopes fade to spring. These tips will help protect your valuable ski and snowboard equipment while it’s stored during the offseason.

Clean Up & Tune Up

Sadly for snow sports fans, infallible weather rodent, Punxsutawney Phil, predicted an early spring this year. That means your days of tearing it up on the mountain are limited. After the last run of the season, avoid the temptation to just toss your gear into a corner and forget it until next winter. This runs the risk that you’ll find rusty edges, damaged bases, or even delamination when you go to use your gear again in several months.

Pre-Storage Maintenance Checklist

  1. Loosen or remove bindings (optional, but many experts recommend this).
  2. Use warm water to remove any grime and dirt from the top of skis or boards and be sure to dry completely.
  3. Scrape old wax off bases and also use a mild base cleaner to remove any accumulated oils or compounds that can be transferred onto your skis from snowmaking and may damage them over time.
  4. File edges to remove any nicks or burrs and prevent rusting.
  5. Apply a liberal coat of wax (much thicker than you’d ski or ride on) to bases and edges. This will act as a protective barrier to prevent bases from drying out and protect edges from rust-inducing moisture. Remember to scrape off the excess wax before your first run next season.
  6. Ensure boots and helmets are clean and completely dry. Removable liners can be washed, air dried, and reinserted, otherwise a shot of deodorizer may not go astray (just sayin’). You’ll thank yourself next winter when they don’t smell like woodland creatures have been nesting in them.

Have a professional complete this storage tune-up if you’re not familiar or comfortable with the process.

Pick the Right Spot

High heat and humidity are enemies of the composite materials your gear is made of, so a scorching hot garage or attic may not be the best spot to park your skis or snowboard over the summer months. The result will be delamination or brittle, cracking bindings next winter. Skis and boards can also be warped, chipped, or scratched by heavy items sitting or pressing on them if they’re crammed in a crowded or cramped space. Try to store skis, boards, boots and other equipment out of direct sunlight in an area that stays below 80 degrees and has low to moderate humidity. Renting a temperature- or climate-controlled self storage unit is a great option and will also free up storage space in your home. Consider using bags or storage racks designed specifically for the gear, which adds another layer of protection.

In with the New, Out with the Old

If you need (or just want) spiffy new equipment, spring is a great time to buy it during end-of-season sales. Hang on to your used goods until fall and then sell them through a consignment store or online marketplace – you'll capture a larger audience of buyers looking for a pre-season price break. Safely stash your new and old gear in your storage unit (and out of your hair) until then.

For more tips and tricks on getting the most out of your self storage experience, visit the Storage Etc. blog.